
  • Banana Peanut Butter Fridge Tart

    I’ve written quite a few posts about having a baby, but not much about feeding one. Luckily whether I’m feeding myself or my daughter, it works out to pretty much the same menu – so don’t worry, this is not about to turn into a baby food blog! I have a very straightforward approach to to healthy eating.
  • Healthy Chocolate Fondant

    It might seem like an oxymoron, using healthy and chocolate fondant in the same sentence, but once you get into the swing of it you can make almost any dessert healthy by substituting a few key ingredients. Before I give you the recipe, this is good to time talk about what makes a dessert healthy.
  • No-Bake Vanilla Chocolate Cheesecakes

    The first time I heard the term vegan cheesecake, I thought it was a joke. Vegans don’t eat cheese and let’s be clear – in my book, nothing can replace cheese. I’m largely dairy free so I don’t eat loads of it, but when I do it must be the real deal. secakes
  • Millionaire’s Shortbread

    Sometimes when you’re in the mood for indulging, you just want what you want. If you’re craving something in particular then you have to have that thing…anything else is just unsatisfying. Like if you really want Smarties and someone gives you M&Ms – I mean, what kind? Because peanut and chocolate centres are just so easy to mix up right – not.