
  • 4 Ingredient Date Balls

    I don’t know about you guys, but I ran out of groceries and money somewhere around the 50th of January. I honestly don’t know how I managed to live in London for 8 Januaries. It’s hard enough over here with the sunshine and beaches, but add freezing grey weather to your dry salticrax and what is life – honestly, wtf is it!
  • Salted Caramel Bliss Balls

    I’ve just realised how long it’s been since I last posted. Getting ready for a baby is full on, let me tell you. We’ve spent most of September scouring online sources for good second hand deals (because why spend R10k on a pram when the baby’d be just as happy in a toy wagon?
  • Cookie Dough Protein Balls

    I had an experimental Tuesday in the kitchen and of the two things I made, one was awesome and one was a rage-inducing flop. We’ve just bought a new oven and gas hob, so silly me was all excited about baking super fast with my never-before-attempted thermofan oven.
  • Peanut Butter Protein Puffs (and an Instagram rant)

    I follow a lot of healthy lifestyle instagrammers, and one thing I’ve noticed is that regardless of country, age or diet, EVERYONE posts pictures of balls. Bliss balls, protein balls, date balls, snack balls – whatever you call them, they all amount to the same thing: chuck 6-8 interchangeable ingredients into your food processor, combine, roll, refrigerate and voila! Raw, healthy snacks for days.
  • Lamington Mousse Balls

    I was experimenting with a few recipes on Monday night while I was cooking dinner – something I often do, as I figure if I’m already in the kitchen making a mess, why not make one huge mess instead of cleaning up several times? I absolutely hate doing dishes, it’s my worst chore.
  • Coconut Protein Date Balls

    My kitchen is a haven for healthy snacks – a temporary haven anyway, since they don’t last that long before being devoured. Guests are offered strange sounding creations like date balls, cacao truffles and almond protein cookies, and while most are initially suspicious, only a few have lifelong regrets (my sister and a particularly unfortunate batch of protein bars come to mind!).