Yes, that tiny orange chair in the photo is mine. In this house, the adults get the cheap seats…or the seats that are inaccessible to the dog/kid. The hammock is still safe because neither one can climb in on their own (although they both try).
So then, back in the game after nearly 6 months! Although I say back in the game with some reluctance. I feel a bit like a boxer who once had a great right hook but lost his hand. Or the drummer from Def Leppard. I’m as skeptical as you are about this return.
It’s cold, wet and miserable, aka brilliant hibernating weather. It’s also the time that the dreaded D word gets kicked around – no not Diet, Detox. Fundamental for all yet friend to none; t’is the season to deprive one. Ok, so it’s not so unlike a diet.
I have two rules that I follow religiously in my health journey – don’t let healthy be boring, and never stop drinking wine. This blog has been years in the making, mostly in my head. I have wanted to share my passion, my recipes and my very normal approach to being healthy for as long as I’ve been doing it, and I have been ‘writing’ blog posts mentally the whole time.