Personal Blog

  • Facebook-less and content: two weeks on

    My facebook detox is going disturbingly well. I say disturbingly because I didn’t realise how much crap I was feeding my brain until I went off it. Without the daily (sometimes hourly) dose of fake news, bad news, argumentative people and general annoyance that comes from spending too much time on social media, I am am noticeably less anxious about the state of the world and I’m sleeping better.
  • A decluttering detox (or how to stay off Facebook for a month)

    I have a confession to make. I consider myself to be a generally healthy person, and by that I mean in mind and body. As much as I’ve explored the connection between food and health on this blog, I’ve also frequently referenced the importance of a healthy mind and balance in all things.
  • Surviving #fitspo on social media

    Maybe it’s because I’m raising a little girl. Maybe it’s because for the past couple of years I’ve been working really hard on loving myself – and therefore my body – exactly the way I am. Maybe it’s simply because it’s everywhere and it’s hard not to think about something when it’s constantly in your face.
  • Health blogging & social media

    This was meant to be a recipe post about Raspberry Chia Slices that I made over the weekend. Somehow it turned into my view on social media and the health industry. I make no apologies – sometimes I have more to say than which smoothie you should have for breakfast!