Personal Blog

  • Diary of a desert diet

    I haven’t consistently cooked healthy recipes in so long I almost had to google the concept again before starting this post. Let’s just say a LOT of fun – and chips – have been had in the interim. First up we had family visiting for a couple of weeks, which involved introducing them to some of our favourite vegan recipes (great success) and also drinking wine every day (also great success of a very different type). 
  • Post holiday incompetency

    I have just returned from the most incredible trip to Sicily, complete with best friends I haven’t seen in years, absolutely epic parties and the most magical wedding in the middle. Those 16 days made up one of the best holidays of my life. To those of you reading this who were there, thanks again for making it such a bloody fabulous time! 
  • 6 tips to get healthy after holidays

    I have just returned from holiday and I feel like a cross between a stuffed Christmas turkey and a whale who ate all the pies. It’s so bad I had to mix my metaphors. This is a common problem when we go on holiday, as the thrill of newly discovered restaurants and food experiences far outweighs the increasingly faint little voice in our heads telling us to be sensible with what we eat.
  • Detox O’Clock

    It’s cold, wet and miserable, aka brilliant hibernating weather. It’s also the time that the dreaded D word gets kicked around – no not Diet, Detox. Fundamental for all yet friend to none; t’is the season to deprive one. Ok, so it’s not so unlike a diet.